To: All Homeowners
From: Board of Directors
Date: February 2, 2017
Re: Communication
Effective immediately the purpose of the website will be strictly for informational purpose only. The board will continue to post memos, budget information, upcoming meeting dates, etc.
All homeowners needing assistance related to common ground issues or have any requests/comments regarding common grounds are encouraged to adhere to the following protocol:
1. Homeowners must submit their request in writing (via email or in written form) directly to management (Mr. Adam Hancock, Manager).
· Email address is
· Also you may use the Website contact form
2. Mr. Hancock will respond to your written request within 2 business days. If your concern is a management issue and is not addressed within 14 days (please email the Director at Large-Nora Montalvo-Liendo( email:
3. If your request is urgent please contact (Mr. Adam Hancock, Manager) via office phone 956-943-2705.
4. A suggestion box will also be placed near the mailbox area for any comments/suggestions. The board secretary will be responsible to access any comments left in the box on a weekly basis. HOA board of directors will review the comments/suggestions and will respond accordingly—as per bylaws within 30 days.