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This is a new page that will discuss current and past Projects here at Bridgeview


The Parking lot here at Bridgeview will be resealed starting May 1st, 2023.

Here is the notification email that was sent to everyone

The PDF is below the message below. 


The board has hired Gallagher Asphalt to fix potholes, seal cracks, top coat, and reseal the parking lot. This project will start May 1st (pending weather). I have attached a map that is color coded as to which area is planned for each day. Each "Zone" will be fixed, top-coated, and re-striped on that day. We will need to have any owners in these "zones" to move their vehicles to the visitor's parking area before their scheduled day. Once their zone is completed, they may move their vehicle back again. Work zones will be corded off for that particular day. Please drive around the property with caution when the workers are here. There will always be a path to enter and exit the property, but you might have to travel the long way around. The boat parking, side of the storage parking area that faces the boat parking, and large storage area will not be resealed/touched.  

  The PDF schedule is attached and the "Zones" are color-coded to show the work boundaries for each day. I will also be posting it in the mail kiosk and will be putting it on the website as "Asphalt Sealing Schedule". It will be located in the dropdown menu if you hover over the "owner's" tab. 

This schedule is also affected by the weather. If there is a day that the workers have to hold on, I'll be sending out an update email with an updated schedule. 

  As a reminder, all vehicles need to be moved out of that day's work area before they start resealing that zone. If the vehicle is not moved, they will not be able to work in that area.  

 If you do not have a way of moving your vehicle before your zone's work date, please contact me via email to figure out a way to move it.

  If anyone has any questions please let me know.




Here is a general summary of the work schedule:

-Before May 1st

Gallagher will be staging equipment on property a couple of days before the 1st of May. 


-May 1st.

"Zone 1"  side of pool parking that faces buildings N and O, front parking area for building N, O, and the side of H building facing O building


-May 2nd

"Zone 2"  O building parking facing P building, P building, J building, E building, and F building


-May 3rd

"Zone 3" parking for H building that faces C building (pool side parking), D building, C building, side of B building that faces G building, and the side of G building that faces B building.


-May 4th

"Zone 4" side of B building facing A building, A building, right side of K building( units 5-8) 


-May 5th

"Zone 5" Parking area for the left side of K building( units 1-4), behind G building( facing L and K), Mail kiosk area to pass the onsite office flower bed area.


-May 6th

"Zone 6" Balcony side of M building, back parking in between N and M next to the perimeter fence.



"Zone 7" storage unit area parking from the onsite office to the concrete pad by the garbage area. 


-May 8th

"Zone 8" Onsite office area flower bed to the boat cleanout hose area


-May 9th 

"Zone 9" Entrance side of the front gate area


-May 10th

"Zone 10" Exit side of the front gate area 


Schedule PDF(Click Here)

This Project was finished  beginning of June 2023

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