To: All Homeowners
From: From the Board of Directors,
Linda J. Belanger, President
Re: Seawall repairs
Four years ago the seawall was inspected. At that time there were numerous sinkholes, some very large. The erosion was increasing along the entire length of the seawall. The inspector stated that we had 4-5 years before the seawall would need to be repaired to prevent more erosion. Based on this information the Board agreed to repair the seawall with funds already allocated in the Reserve Study.
On 12/1/16, Property Manager, Adam Hancock contacted and hired Kevin Segar of Port Isabel Construction to complete this job for $14,976.00.
The Board has recently been made aware of damages to drains and the fence. On January 4, 2017, Mr. Segar met with the Board and assured us that these repairs would be completed at no additional cost.